Supersonic Friday


Last night Supersonic started with the Custard Factory packed to the rafters, the evening was sold out with a crowd waiting to check out Sunn O))), Kylie Minoise, Scorn, PCM, Taint and Venetian Snares amongst others.

PCM got everyone dancing, their dark brand of drum n bass drawing in the crowds.

Kylie Minoise startled the crowd by writhing around on the floor generally causing mayhem.

The whole of the Custard Factory’s inner sanctum was enveloped in dry ice for a spectacular performance from Sunn O))). The set featured Stephen O’Malley and Greg Anderson only and music exclusively from GrimmRobe demos.

Finishing the night, Venetian Snares intense set sent everyone into a frenzy of dancing,‘a liquidiser of limbs’. The perfect end to the first night of the festival and there are two more days to go!